
If my application was not accepted because documents were missing during my application interview in the Embassy, how long must I wait, until I can set a new appointment?


The Embassy does not accept incomplete applications. 'Incomplete' means that documents, which you could have identified in the information leaflets of the Embassy, were not submitted during the application.
These applications are refused at the counter. The refusal of the application is NOT a rejection of your visa application.
You have the option, to set a new appointment and then appear again for an interview.

Please read the information leaflet for your travel purpose carefully and collect the applicable documents.
If you are still requested to submit additional documents, you should submit these as soon as you can obtain them. The Embassy knows, that this is not always possible on the same or the next day. In these cases we will, of course, wait with the decision on the application until you have submitted the required document(s).
Please note that the lacking documents, which are being submitted from Germany, can NOT be sent to the Embassy. You as the applicant must have the documents sent to you at a delivery address of your choice (courier postbox, postbox, fax, email).
Please note that the Embassy does not accept documents on thermal paper – all documents must be submitted on normal paper.

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