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Life Certificates
Please note that the following information relates to pension payments made by the German Pension Authority (DRV) and the statutory accident insurance. Regulations of other pension providers, like for example pension funds or private pension insurers, are not included.
Important notice:
Starting in 2024, the digital life certificate is offered world-wide. It is not obligatory to use the new digital life certificate. Physical life certificates are also accepted.
If you are eligible for pension payments from the German pension authority or accident insurance providers or if you have taken out an additional insurance, you will be requested to present a life certificate once a year. The recipients are informed accordingly in writing by the competent pension authority along with the adjustment of the pension. The life certificate can therefore now either be handed in by using the physical form or be sent digitally. The Embassy recommends the digital life certificate.
More information on the form for the life certificate (LB) and the digital version (DLN) can be found here:
Kindly note: In addition to the confirmation by the Embassy, the physical life certificate can also be confirmed by the Honorary Consuls of the Federal Republic of Germany and authorized offices near your place of residence. Authorized offices in the Philippines are: the community / city administration (barangay), the police, banks, hospitals / the Philippine Red Cross. You do not necessarily have to visit the Embassy for this.
If you would like to come to the Embassy or to the office of the Honorary Consul for the confirmation of the physical form for the life certificate to be handed in at the German Pension Authority, please do so in person during the service hours. The Embassy’s service hours are from Tuesday to Friday, between 8:00 am and 9:30 am.
Kindly note that in order to confirm your identity on the form, you are required to visit the office personally and provide a valid ID (e. g. passport, German identity card) in addition to the form itself.
The Embassy recommends to primarily use the digital life certificate (DLN), as this is free of charge and can be done safely and comfortably from home without having to keep in mind holidays and service hours. The life certificate can be sent by QR code via your smartphone / tablet. Another advantage of the digital certificate is that some public offices are not able to confirm your data on the physical form. If you would like to register for the digital life certificate, the information leaflet including the QR code will be sent to you together with the adjustment notification regarding the pension payment.
Notice: Should you not have received your physical life certificate form by mid-August, replacement forms can also be downloaded directly from the Pension Service or requested by telephone or fax. The form is available in multiple languages.
Kindly note that the German Embassy in Manila can neither assist in applying for the pension nor answer questions regarding the pension insurance. If you have any queries, you will have to contact the German Pension Authority directly. Contact details can be found here.
Survivor's Pension
Information on the German Survivor’s Pension can be found here. Please note that the German Embassy in Manila can neither assist in applying for the pension nor answer questions regarding the pension insurance.
Taxation of German pensions
The Finanzamt Neubrandenburg is the competent tax office for pensioners living abroad.
Since 1 January 2005, a new law on taxation of old age pensions is in force. This law also applies to pensioners living abroad. If you do not have a registered place of residence in Germany, but receive pension payments, the Finanzamt Neubrandenburg is in charge of your claim. Based on your tax declaration, the tax office checks whether and, if so, how much you have to pay in taxes in Germany according to the agreement on double taxation.