Are you interested in pursuing a career as a nurse in Germany?
This is a worthy career opportunity for Filipino health care professionals who want to seek overseas employment. Do you have what it takes to get hired?
Filipino nurses employed in Germany benefit from the high standards of German labor laws and ample social security system regulations, including health insurance, pension insurance scheme, and unemployment insurance. In terms of remuneration, Filipino nurses will not receive a less favorable treatment than their German colleagues.
The shrinking and aging German population induces an increasing demand for health care professionals which cannot be met by the local labor market, but requires health care institutions to hire nurses from abroad to work in German hospitals and nursing homes for the elderly. Estimates show that Germany needs an additional 150,000 – 200,000 professional nurses over the next ten years. That´s why nurses have been placed on the national shortage occupation list by the German authorities in 2013 paving the way for the recruitment of foreign workers.

The Procedures and conditions of a job placement in Germany as a Filipino nurse are as follows:
While qualified general care nurses as well as pediatric and geriatric nurses may be employed in Germany, nurse´s assistants, midwives, masseurs/masseuses and physical therapists/physiotherapists are not covered by the shortage occupation list.
The starting point to find an employer in Germany can either be the “Triple-Win-Project” agreed upon by the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, BA) and the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), or the hiring through recognized private recruitment agencies on the basis of guidelines released by POEA in February 2016.
A mandatory requirement is to have the equivalency of the professional qualification determined by the competent authorities in Germany. You may refer to Recognition in Germany for additional information.
Furthermore the applicant needs to show evidence of sufficient German language proficiency; in the visa process only certificates issued by the Goethe Institute and telc GmbH as well as the Austrian language diploma (ÖSD) and the TestDaF diploma showing a competence level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages are accepted.
For the complete visa requirements for qualified nurses please refer to our Visa Information page.
After the issuance of the visa the applicant needs to process the exit clearance with POEA.
Further inquiries may be directed via e-mail to bpa – Bundesverband privater Anbieter sozialer Dienste e.V. .