
Dual/multiple citizenship(s)

Pass dt phl

Pass dt phl, © German Embassy Manila


While the German rules on citizenship are based on the principle of avoiding dual citizenship, this principle does not apply to children who receive dual citizenship through descent from their parents .


While the German rules on citizenship are based on the principle of avoiding dual citizenship, this principle does not apply to children who receive dual citizenship through descent from their parents (e.g. a German father and a Filipina mother or German mother and Filipino father). In the case that the parents are not married during the time of the birth of the child that in these cases it is mandatory after German law that a formal and valid recognition of paternity which includes the consent of the mother was notarized. For more information please refer to family matters.

Anyone applying for German citizenship will generally be required to give up their other citizenship(s). There are exceptions to this rule if the applicant is a citizens of another EU-member state or Switzerland or if the applicant has a German parent as well as in cases of restitoration of German citizenship according to art. 116 of the Basic Law.

More Information on naturalization can be found here.

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